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Showing posts from June, 2017

Minnie the Calico Kitty

Hey darlings! So, this is totally unrelated and I apologize, but I would love and appreciate if you could go and vote for my cat in this contest. It would really mean a lot to her and me. She is adorable and sweet and really deserves it. Thank you babes! Love, A.M.D.

Updates, updates, updates

Hey darlings! This week, I'm hoping to improve the site so it is easier to use and better visually. If you have any suggestions, please comment below. This blog is for you guys, so you should have a say! With that, I am also hoping to start working on some songs this week. If there are any songs you wish to see, please make suggestions on the song requests page. For now, I will be focusing on today's hits until I get a list of suggestions. I'll arrange a calendar so you can see what will be happening each week. Lastly, I'll be posting a poll on the side → each week so I can better improve this blog. First, I'll be asking what genres you all like to see the most. This doesn't mean that I won't post any other genre, but will try to focus on what you all want the most. If you have anything else you want to see on this blog, comment below. If you want a certain song, comment on the song requests page. Thanks babes! Love, A.M.D